Thursday, February 20, 2014

Tongbu tutorial for free paid apps without jailbreak :) :D

NOT all of the apps from the Appstore are available in Tongbu... No worries as there are tons of pretty good stuff...


-These are hacked Apps/Games.
-No payment required.
-No apple id and password verification required.
-Just follow instructions and you are good to go.
-my device? Iphone 5 7.0.4 jailbroken
-you can no longer USE itunes after installing hacked apps and games. so if you wana sync photos, movies, contacts use tongbu from now on.


-Non-jailbroken/jailbroken device.
-iTunes. (latest or not)
-a brain.

Ok, let's begin..

1. Download and install Tongbu (windows) >

for mac users:

download link >
Version: V1.0.3 (2013-10-30)
Support System: Mac OS X 10.7 or later
support devices: iPhone / iPad / iTouch


Fire up Tongbu Assistant from the desktop or start menu...


wait for a pop-up and just hit X.


Click Apps.


  1. Click the 2nd option under web resource below pineapple logo.
  2. Search your app. (mine was kingdom rush. - nice game during browsing days at work. LOL!  )
  3. Hit the magnifying glass icon to search.
  4. Click the title of the app to check if it's available to download.


  1. click the blue bar to download.
  2. see lower right corner for download task status.

NOTE: you will be able to download the app if you are seeing the exact chinese words.

7. Once download is done.


  1. click Apps from the left navigation menu.
  2. put a check.
  3. Hit install. (mine was already installed.)

9. check the app from your Springboard.

Boom! there you have it. Enjoy!


update for apps/games crashing..

i figured it all out!!!!!!!!!! after doing trial and error with cracked and genuine apps i found out if you download a free genuine app/game from itunes pc and you install it via tongbu [setting it as genuine (pineapple icon)] it makes your paid apps/games crash after you reboot. so the solution here is to delete all free genuine apps/games which you install using tongbu.. you should only use tongbu to install paid apps/games. for the free genuine ones use appstore mobile app to install them.

after you delete genuine free apps/games on tongbu click "fix crash" then all your paid apps/games no longer crash. even if you reboot it.

remember, use appstore mobile app to install genuine free apps/games. and tongbu for paid apps/games.. solved!



i am still experiencing crash every time i install an app from appstore... this is weird the older version of tongbu dint have issues... what i did to avoid crashing whenever i install new app from appstore is to click "fix crash" on tongbu...



version 2.1.3 fixed the crashing issue.. d=)



Thanks Rashole

Hey guys if anyone is still having trouble with crashing glitch that happens when you install new apps, use google chrome to translate the link below into english as it explains how to fix the glitch on both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices.

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Thanks bodacious

Ok guys, I finally understood what needs to be done to fix the crash allowing app updates and reboots without crashing the apps:

1 - Connect your iDevice to Tongbu assistant which needs to be versin 2.1.3

2 - Open the Genuine App identified by a wrench:

Now, even if it says you are already authorized, and there's no need to do it again, in fact you need to. Press the button "Fix". You will need an internet connection here

3 - Now this is not sufficient, so after it says it's fixed you will still need to go to the apps tabs, select "Apps" and click "Fix Crash"

Only after these 2 steps, one can reboot, install another app updates, without the apps crashing.

Hope it helps


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